Cognitive Demands on Homework Assignments Sent to Preschoolers during COVID-19 Lockdown


We conducted a cognitive analysis of the reading, writing, and mathematics domain assignments sent to kindergarten students during the COVID-19 lockdown. The sample consisted of 56 assignments. Criteria were created to identify the cognitive demands in each domain. The results show that the tasks generally made basic cognitive demands, such as remembering and memorizing. We discuss the gap between the approaches taken in the literature on children's learning and cognitive skills, which consider them active subjects and researchers, and how the tasks sent to them position them as reproducers/copiers of information. It is proposed that educational psychologists work with teachers to design homework assignments that benefit preschoolers' cognitive skills.
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Cognitive analysis

How to Cite

Cognitive Demands on Homework Assignments Sent to Preschoolers during COVID-19 Lockdown. (2022). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 78, e0003.