Total Physical Response—A Method for Acquiring Basic Vocabulary in English


<p>This article is the end product of research, which seeks to strengthen the learning of basic vocabulary in English. This was based mainly on the premise of James Asher for teaching foreign language, using the physical response, the movement and imitation. It was initially carried out a diagnosis, taking as supports direct observation, field journal and test, thus identifying the problem; according to this, it is raised to strengthen the learning of the English vocabulary through activities based on the above method, in addition to design a pedagogical proposal: Composed of workshops in different sessions, taking into account the basic standards of competencies and basic rights of learning, setting on the basis of the action-research participation, in a qualitative development, it also took into account the communicative competence which involves the pragmatic, linguistic, and sociolinguistics skills. Finally performed the systematization of information by means of cross-checking, analysis, comparative graphs and descriptive paragraphs. It concludes with compliance to the proposed objective with a high level of effectiveness and great acceptance in the educational community because students strengthened the vocabulary acquisition according to the results obtained.</p>
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TPR Method

How to Cite

Total Physical Response—A Method for Acquiring Basic Vocabulary in English. (2023). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 80, e1657.