Becoming a teacher: Feelings, perceptions, and procedures in school educational contexts
Actualidades Pedagógicas


<p>This article seeks to present the feelings, perceptions, and procedures in school educational contexts of a sixth semester student teacher from the BA program in Basic Education with an Emphasis on Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports at the Universidad del Cauca, during the pedagogical practice carried out in 2016 in a public school in the rural sector of Popayán, Cauca. After systematizing the experiences with an analysis technique based on the codification and categorization principles of grounded theory, the results found in field journals give evidence of the behavior of the student teacher in the school educational setting and allow making contributions to the academic training processes of future teachers.</p>
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student teacher
pedagogical practice

How to Cite

Erazo López, H. A. (2018). Becoming a teacher: Feelings, perceptions, and procedures in school educational contexts. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 72, 147-164.