Disciplinar, Regular y Normalizar. Sobre la conformación de la subjetividad escolar en la Guía de las Escuelas Cristianas de 1903 en Colombia
Actualidades Pedagógicas


In the present article, we introduce some approaches to the text «Christian Schools Guidelines» (1903) from Michel Foucault’s genealogy perspective. This text, spread throughout Colombia, was used in catholic schools as a Pedagogy handbook to guide the teaching practices at that time. From a Genealogy perspective, we made an analysis about the way in which the student is objectified as a subject, from a series of concepts and power technologies such as emulation, perfection, religiosity and the academic spatial partitioning regulation and surveillance. These articulated elements build normalizing pedagogical dispositives from which subjectivities emerge, according to the central principles and postulates of disciplinary societies.
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power technologies
pedagogical dispositive

How to Cite

Díaz M., fsc., C. J. (2006). Disciplinar, Regular y Normalizar. Sobre la conformación de la subjetividad escolar en la Guía de las Escuelas Cristianas de 1903 en Colombia. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 48, 85-94. https://ap.lasalle.edu.co/article/view/504