Textbooks in the Training of English Teachers: from Traditional Teaching to Non-Parametral Teaching
Actualidades Pedagógicas


The non-parametral didactic is considered as a new paradigm in the training of English teachers. This didactic constructs or recreates forms of teaching and learning English as a foreign language and develops important aspects (autonomy, creativity and knowledge building, for example), understood as a construction of meanings and senses. It addresses the importance of textbooks in accordance with the parametral didactic and presents some thoughts on how the textbook should be understood from the non-parametral didactic. Finally, it focuses on two alternative or complementary proposals to the use of textbooks, which have been treated as the cornerstone in teaching English from the traditional or parametral didactic
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Non-parametral teaching
alternative proposals

How to Cite

del Campo M., M. . (2012). Textbooks in the Training of English Teachers: from Traditional Teaching to Non-Parametral Teaching. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 59, 59-83. https://ap.lasalle.edu.co/article/view/316