Strengthening competence in mathematical interpretation through the implementation of a pedagogical strategy
Actualidades Pedagógicas


<p>This research aimed to strengthen competence in mathematical interpretation through the implementation of a pedagogical strategy in an educational institution in Cúcuta (Colombia). Objectives: To determine the level of performance of tenth-grade students in mathematical interpretation; to develop and implement a pedagogical strategy with the purpose of strengthening the interpretation of mathematical graphics in these students. Methodology: The study was based on the qualitative paradigm model, with an action-research approach, which started with a triggering activity used for diagnosis, followed by the implementation of the pedagogical proposal with adjustments during its development. Results: The mathematical interpretive competence of students is not enabled; after implementing the pedagogical strategy in the learning process, they managed to achieve the necessary capacities and interpretive skills.</p>
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pedagogical strategy
mathematical interpretation
pedagogical practice
mathematical competencies

How to Cite

Contreras Gelvez, A. A. (2018). Strengthening competence in mathematical interpretation through the implementation of a pedagogical strategy. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 71, 13-34.