An Interaction Proposal Based on an Online Checklist for High School Students


This article presents an online checklist tool intended to support the process of reading and (re)writing texts, and specifically the scientific research report. This article includes a discussion on the online interactions and proposes a checklist in the context of text production for the program PIBIC-EM (institutional program of scientific initiation scholarship for high school). As a result, this article presents the finished form of this instrument. It is concluded that the students must understand that writing is more than correcting any misspelling in a written text. It also includes the thinking and the efforts to obtain good grades at school or getting a job.
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digital literacy
scientific initiation
teaching and learning
reading and writing
the youth

How to Cite

An Interaction Proposal Based on an Online Checklist for High School Students. (2021). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 76, 181-194.