A educação ambiental crítica e o direito: a democracia participativa no poder judiciário
Actualidades Pedagógicas


This article is an interconnection between Critical Environmental Education and Law, seeking to discuss participatory democracy in the Judiciary, having as justification the need to understand Critical Environmental Education and thinking from the Democratic State, adding possibilities for direct participation of citizens in decisions. Thus, it raises the question: Can Critical Environmental Education and Law develop environmental knowledge for the benefit of participatory democracy in the Judiciary? In this context, the objective is to analyze how Critical Environmental Education and Law can contribute to the formation of environmental knowledge and achieve participatory democracy in the Judiciary. This research consists of a qualitative approach, with theoretical-methodological analysis, through bibliographic and documental means and, to understand and interpret the information, the technique of content analysis and sampling was used. As the main results obtained, the need to break with traditional dogmatics is highlighted, at the same time that the intense and necessary approximation of Law with Critical Environmental Education is perceived. Emphasis is also placed on social participation in spaces for debates about diffuse rights that can be established through democracy. For this, a reconstruction carried out through the critical nature of Environmental Education is essential. It was shown here that it is necessary to understand the spaces for dialogue and the scope of participatory democracy. The fact is that it is necessary to break with traditional demands in the Judiciary and transpose, through Critical Environmental Education, into a new relationship with the judges, in favor of the community in a space of participatory democracy.
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Cómo citar

Wagner, B. K., & Hernandez Caporlingua, V. . (2023). A educação ambiental crítica e o direito: a democracia participativa no poder judiciário. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 81, e1706. https://doi.org/10.19052/ap.vol1.iss81.7