Women between the Rural and the Urban: Dialoguing Knowledge from the Peaceful Tradition
Actualidades Pedagógicas


This article narrates the experience of working with banished women from the Colombian Pacific Coast through the creation of meeting spaces for dialogue and the construction of sisterhood between rural and urban women, having as a topic of conversation: plants and their different uses. and beliefs according to each culture. We work from women's autobiographical stories to create a scenic device that is also an activator of dialogue between women from different cultures. This research is framed in creation research, deconstructing ways and forms typical of traditional research and returning to methods and tools typical of the humanities, especially from biographical methods and the informal conversation typical of ethnography. Finally, the conclusions show that art as a mediator can be a tool that facilitates dialogue and encounter, but also, it is a commitment and an ethical and political responsibility when working with a population that has been victims of various violence.


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mediating arts
ancestral knowledge

How to Cite

Luna Monart, L. E. (2024). Women between the Rural and the Urban: Dialoguing Knowledge from the Peaceful Tradition. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 1(83). https://doi.org/10.19052/ap.vol1.iss83.5201