Implementation of mathematical modeling in secondary education: an opportunity to articulate the context and school content
Actualidades Pedagógicas


The objective of this article is to describe and exemplify a methodological proposal within the process of mathematical modeling in the classroom for secondary education, motivated by reflection and concern about the students’ disinterest and low academic results. It was performed under a methodology with a qualitative approach and case study. Among the main results, it was found that this type of methodology allows for capturing the interest of students throughout the process, highlighting the reflection of their contexts and the articulation with school content. It was concluded that the implementation of this methodology focused on the modeling process achieves good classroom results, and its implementation can be done at different levels and school times.
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mathematical model
secondary education

How to Cite

Pérez Perdomo, J. P., & Mora Delgado, J. . (2023). Implementation of mathematical modeling in secondary education: an opportunity to articulate the context and school content. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 82, e1758.