Perceptions of Educación Básica Primaria and Básica Secundaria Teachers as Social Mediators in Pandemic Times in Colombia
Actualidades Pedagógicas


This research article provides information on a testimonial analysis carried out with fifteen language teachers of educación básica y Media from different areas of Colombia. The objective was to determine their perceptions in relation to the role they play as social mediators in times of pandemic. The testimonies used for the study were collected and systematized through the project “Memorias de una pandemia”. The results of the study showed that language teachers recognize themselves as essential social actors in overcoming the contingencies generated by the pandemic. This, because of they consider themselves as critical agents, able to adapt pedagogical scenarios and providing a humanized and humanizing education that can provide fortification during crisis times.
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teachers’ perceptions
language teaching

How to Cite

Aguillón Lombana, A. ., & López Hernández, L. R. (2023). Perceptions of Educación Básica Primaria and Básica Secundaria Teachers as Social Mediators in Pandemic Times in Colombia. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 80, e1571.