Horizons for the history of "lasallista" research in pedagogical thinking
Actualidades Pedagógicas


What has happened to the «lasallista» pedagogical tradition since its arrival to Colombia, in 1890, to the present day? What has taken us from the blurred vision of the great milestones on the vanguard pedagogical proposals to the conformity of having achieved a position in the national pedagogical discourse? To figure out the different leading moments of the pedagogical concern within the community of «Hermanos de las Escuelas Cristianas» It is a duty of history. This research stands out as it pre-figures horizons that have been reading keys for the research on the history of lasallista pedagogy which has been built on the very transformation of enquiry.
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pedagogical knowledge

How to Cite

Jiménez Ibáñez, J. R. (2005). Horizons for the history of "lasallista" research in pedagogical thinking. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 46, 7-18. https://ap.lasalle.edu.co/article/view/521