Outlines on the construction of the catholic individual in jesuitical education in Colombia (1900-1930)
Actualidades Pedagógicas


This article proposes a historic-critic view on the model of catholic education established by the Ratio Studiorum and by the Jesuitical pedagogical practices from 1900 to 1930, in the background of the establishment of the Colombian society’ identity in its predominant archetypes. The perspective is focused on the problem of the construction of the catholic individual under the ethic, intellectual and cultural bets and principles explicit in this pedagogic style, under the protection of the ecclesial conservatism of this time, and the trends presented between this and the modernist mood of the bourgeoisie, that propose a dichotomy to conform the society. This becomes a concern for education institutions and consolidates them as agents of resistance and moral culture in front of the revolutions unchained, in order to preserve autonomy, will and understanding in the individual. This reflection is under the methodological referents of Michael Foucault in his analysis of the devises of power present in the culture, its ideological settlements and mainly the institutions, scenery that provides the source of discovery of the catholic subjectivity and presents the most pertinent inquiries to its formulation and follow-up.
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catholic individual
subjectivity education
conservator society
Catholic Church
Jesuitical education

How to Cite

Jiménez Ibáñez, J. R., & Turriago Rojas, D. . (2007). Outlines on the construction of the catholic individual in jesuitical education in Colombia (1900-1930). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 50, 19-31. https://ap.lasalle.edu.co/article/view/481