Investigative skills and their influence on the formulation of research projects at the Universidad Valle del Momboy


<p>This article aims to establish the incidence of investigative competences in the formulation of research projects in postgraduate students of section A-II, Cohorte 2015, Specialization in Educational Planning of Valle del Momboy University, Barinas municipality, state Barinas, Venezuela. The research was based on the descriptive methodology of field type, the population was conformed by twenty five students and the instrument was the Likert type questionnaire, structured in nineteen items. The results allowed to verify that the theoreticalpractical knowledge that the students had was not pertinent with the elaboration of the research project, just as they did not know the types of competences; basic, methodological and professional. It was concluded that the investigative competences represent a tool that significantly influence the construction of the project and orient the student to play the role of researcher in order to generate epistemological contributions to the field of science</p>
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Research competences
project formulation

How to Cite

Investigative skills and their influence on the formulation of research projects at the Universidad Valle del Momboy. (2020). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 74, 191-213.