Evaluation of the Effect of the ICFES Mock Exam and its Impact on the Test Saber 11° in 2018


This research aims to evaluate whether there is a relationship between the overall result with the results in each component (critical reading, mathematics, social sciences, natural sciences and English) in the ICFES mock exam, and the score the students got in their Test Saber 11° during 2018 second semester in the school Institución Educativa General Santander in the town of Soacha, Cundinamarca Province. To do so, an intra-subject design and a two-factor model were used, both with repeated measurements. An ANOVA was also applied to the repeated measurements to examine whether there was any contrast in the medians of the related data (dependent or paired). Based on the statistical analysis of the student’s results, this work concluded that these ICFES mock exam tools strengthened the overall results as well as the results in each test component for the Test Saber 11° the student took in 2018
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student’s performance
quality of education
comparative evaluation
educative evaluation

How to Cite

Evaluation of the Effect of the ICFES Mock Exam and its Impact on the Test Saber 11° in 2018. (2020). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 75, 33-52. https://doi.org/10.19052/ap.vol1.iss75.3