Propiciate voices and create stories: Turn the school experience into a pedagogical story
Actualidades Pedagógicas


In this paper, narrative is presented as an essential source for building knowledge and pedagogical narratives about the teacher’s self, promoting the possibility of generating reflective and critical voice towards himself and his own pedagogical practice from an emancipatory and sociocultural comprehension. In this way, the content exposed here highlights the importance of narrative’s reflective use and its potential as a configurative and transformable teacher’s option. Contents and senses recognition is proposed as an alternative that is created subjectively, having meaningful school experiences as a source for generating new comprehension about school world and teacher’s identity. As a result, promoting and hearing the teacher’s voice, materialized through narratives, is a critical action that goes beyond the instrumental comprehension of the teacher in the school world.
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pedagogical knowledge
significant school experiences
story about itself

How to Cite

Diaz Meza, C. J. (2007). Propiciate voices and create stories: Turn the school experience into a pedagogical story. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 50, 139-146.