Characterization of the sociodemographic conditions of early childhood educational agents in Colombia from the configuration of a multivariate model
Actualidades Pedagógicas


INTRODUCTION. This work addresses the characterization of the profiles that are in charge of early childhood training and their relationship in the qualification processes. It is intended to contribute to the knowledge of the conditions of the educational agents (AE) that intervene in early childhood education and their qualification process in the strategies formulated from an inclusive educational context in the initial training of the new generations of AE. METHOD. The research is approached from a mixed methodology. It was attended by 1592 AE. The profiles that intervene directly and indirectly with early childhood (IP) were identified, as well as the relationship that exists in the qualification processes using a multivariate Logit model. RESULTS. The main results indicate that AEs under 27 years of age who work directly with boys and girls from IP and with experience equal to or greater than three years in the area of early childhood education have a greater probability of being qualified in IP. However, there is low participation in virtual training processes. What highlights a scenario little used by the AE with ICT technological tools. DISCUSSION. From the Colombian context, it is necessary to identify the conceptions, practices and constructions that are established in the daily life of the AE from a regulatory, guiding and promoting role of adequate child development, taking into account the role of boys and girls as subjects of law.
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Educational Agents
Early Childhood

How to Cite

Adames Papa, F. ., & Cuervo, C. . (2023). Characterization of the sociodemographic conditions of early childhood educational agents in Colombia from the configuration of a multivariate model. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 81, e1688.