Horizons of meaning for peace and reconciliation: Reflections based on a critical ethnographic study with rural youth


<p>The article presents some of the results of the research entitled “Narratives on peace, conflict, and body. A study with young people from Eastern Antioquia in the context of the Colombian armed conflict,” which discusses the categories of peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation. The findings call into question the ideal and normative ways of thinking about these categories, and suggest the need to interpret them from a moral perspective, on which the unique expertise of being and acting in the world is based. Methodologically, the study uses critical ethnography, which allowed thirty young people, men and women, from the municipality of San Francisco, Antioquia, to cast doubt on the meanings they conferred to these analytical categories.</p>
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How to Cite

Horizons of meaning for peace and reconciliation: Reflections based on a critical ethnographic study with rural youth. (2018). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 72, 183-202. https://doi.org/10.19052/ap.5222