The Role of Games in the Moral Education of Children from an Islamic Perspective
Actualidades Pedagógicas


In this article, we will examine moral education through games from an Islamic perspective. To this end, we will first present a discussion of virtue ethics as the theoretical framework of our discussion since a major part of Islamic moral education can be explained through it. As we will explain, virtue ethics emphasizes the effect of following moral patterns in character formation. Then, we will discuss the place of games in the moral education method of the Prophet of Islam and the Shia Imams and show how they paid attention to the moral education of children through games. We will then look at some new games designed by Islamic education experts for this purpose. Finally, we will discuss some theoretical mechanisms to explain the efficacy of these games and examine an empirical case study conducted in this field. Research Objectives: To explore the role of games in the moral education method of the Prophet of Islam and the Shia Imams. Research Methods: A qualitative documentary method to study the place of games in Islamic moral teachings and methods. Research Results: A major part of Islamic moral education can be explained through the virtue ethics framework, which emphasizes the effect of following moral patterns in character formation.


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Cómo citar

Abedi Renani, A. ., & Brahman, M. . (2024). The Role of Games in the Moral Education of Children from an Islamic Perspective. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 82, e1766.