Mediation pedagogic practices in a proposal to create citizenship in children and youngsters. A life project to create citizenship
Actualidades Pedagógicas


This article presents the research I am developing within the team of the line called «Values, Citizenship and Popular Education». It is understood that to construct democratic culture, that is, an ethics of living together to educate children and youngsters, it is essential to favor necessary arrangements to construct the following dimensions: life project, identity-inner being and social commitment. This research has worked the life project construction for citizenship from the participative perspective, stating that citizen education must be made up by participative mediations that develop the critic and reflexive capacity in favor of the construction of the life project dimension within the theoretical framework Profile of the mediator teacher published in 2003 by Loernzo Tébar Belmonte. Both the life project and the above mentioned dimensions are part of the research proposal called «Mediation Pedagogic Practices in a proposal to create citizenship in children and youngsters». The dimension presented here, proposes an ethnographic research methodology which wants to find the sense of categories such as attitude, desire, preconventional morality, conventional morality, and postconventional morality, the establishment of priorities, objectives and goals for the service of children and young people registered in basic education in the Liceo Hermano Miguel de la Salle in Bogotá. They are a sample population of 30 3-4 strata students, who together with 4 undergraduate students from the School of Education at Universidad de La Salle, work in six workshops in the life project dimension to develop citizenship; these are strategic instruments to contact the population and they make possible to create a realistic and faithful image of the group and its unit regarding the construction of the life project for citizenship.
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How to Cite

Salcedo Casallas, J. R. (2006). Mediation pedagogic practices in a proposal to create citizenship in children and youngsters. A life project to create citizenship. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 48, 55-84.