Memories and Nostalgia of my Teaching History
Actualidades Pedagógicas


The paper seeks to weave the memories and nostalgia of the teaching practice that the author experienced throughout the course of thirty years as key elements for reflecting on didactics. The author sorts through his memories, going from the marked differences between general teaching and special teaching, moving through the ideas that marked his education, such as A. del Pozo, about whom he highlights the constituent elements of teaching: the subject, the teacher and the learner, ending on the remembrance of the transit between teaching and curriculum in Spanish history, from the fifties and up to this day. He also intertwines nostalgia, where he needs a unifying professional, a critic capable of renewing teaching and reinventing the university.
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general didactics
teaching disciplines
critical pedagogy
spanish education

How to Cite

Rodríguez Rojo, M. . (2012). Memories and Nostalgia of my Teaching History. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 59, 33-57.