Conflict in school coexistence: Beliefs and practices of students, parents, and teachers from a district educational institution
Actualidades Pedagógicas


<p>This research aimed to identify the beliefs and practices of different actors from a district educational institution located in the locality of Ciudad Bolívar (Bogotá, Colombia) about conflict. A qualitative, interpretive, hermeneutic study was developed through focus groups and participant observation. Ten teachers, ten parents, and ten second- and third-grade students participated. The information obtained was analyzed based on the ideas of grounded theory, and it was triangulated with data recorded during three sessions of participant observation. The results are presented based on three categories of analysis: 1) a view of the actors of the educational community about conflict, 2) the tension between family and school regarding conflict management, and 3) conflict management: a lost school subject? The results allow advancing our understanding of the beliefs and practices of educational communities about conflict. Furthermore, they are expected to become an input for the construction of projects at the community and institutional levels.</p>
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How to Cite

Bohórquez Correa, R. I., Chaux Real, Y. N., & Vaca Vaca, M. P. (2017). Conflict in school coexistence: Beliefs and practices of students, parents, and teachers from a district educational institution. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 70, 29-49.