From believed citizenship to lived citizenship: Beliefs about citizenship in students of tenth and eleventh grades in Suba
Actualidades Pedagógicas


<p>This research examines beliefs about citizenship in students of tenth and eleventh grades in district schools, identifying citizen participation, public relations, and citizenship building in relation to other subjects. Using a mixed approach, quantitative and qualitative data were collected, analyzed and integrated through survey and focus group interviews. The questionnaire was analyzed from a statistical perspective (Excel matrix), and the focus group interview was subject to content analysis in order to perform a methodological triangulation. Considering that educational institutions are privileged settings to enhance a full exercise of democracy, the article inquires about what education does or does not do to consolidate the society it has and desires. The results allowed to infer, among other beliefs, that “there are practices that do not contribute to the construction of citizenship, but it is good to be a citizen.”.</p>
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How to Cite

Bello Ramírez, I. D., Méndez, O. P., Rodríguez Pinzón, A. L., & Camelo, A. . (2015). From believed citizenship to lived citizenship: Beliefs about citizenship in students of tenth and eleventh grades in Suba. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 65, 31-48.