The Contribution of Teacher Performance Evaluation to the Professional Development of Teachers: A Study from Experiences at the Colegio Departamental Emilio Cifuentes and the Externado Nacional Camilo Torres - IED
Actualidades Pedagógicas


The article presents theoretical conceptions about the teacher’s professional development. Then, an analysis is made of the teacher evaluation carried out in Colombia, with emphasis on its orientation, characteristics and purposes. Finally, the article makes a balance of the effective contribution of this kind of evaluation to the professional development of teachers. In regards to this last aspect, it is concluded that the performance evaluation applied to the teachers does not contribute to their professional development.
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teaching performance

How to Cite

Linares Molina, A. M., Zúñiga Monroy, G. A., & Lozano Flórez, D. . (2012). The Contribution of Teacher Performance Evaluation to the Professional Development of Teachers: A Study from Experiences at the Colegio Departamental Emilio Cifuentes and the Externado Nacional Camilo Torres - IED. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 59, 245-261.