Productive transformations and school daily life in rural schools of the humid pampas (Santa Fe, Argentina).
Actualidades Pedagógicas


In this paper we analyze the effects of the agricultural productive transformations of the last decades on the daily life of rural schools in the central-western area of the province of Santa Fe (Argentina). This is an anthropological research based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out in three rural schools. These institutions are located in a region of the Argentine humid pampas traditionally oriented to dairy cattle production and cattle fattening, but which is nowadays mainly devoted to the cultivation of transgenic soybean and corn. These transformations have brought about profound changes in the world of work, residence and rural social life in general, which in turn have given particular characteristics to rural schools. Phenomena such as the decline in enrollment, the transformation of the origin of enrollment, the redefinitions in the ways of attending school and/or living in school spaces or the changes in the forms of work and residence of teachers account for these transformations. Analyzing them allows us to document the concrete social contexts in which rural schools are located and how these are linked to the daily life of rural schools.


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Productive Transformations
Rural Schools
School Daily Life
Humid Pampa

How to Cite

Espoturno, M., Caisso, L., García, J., & Ligorria, V. (2024). Productive transformations and school daily life in rural schools of the humid pampas (Santa Fe, Argentina). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 84.