Mentoring as a Strategy of the Evaluation of Teaching for the Professional Development
Actualidades Pedagógicas


In this document a critical analysis related to teacher’s performance at “Escuela de Electromecánica del Instituto Técnico Central la Salle”. One of the purpose is to determine the positive and negative (mistakes) aspects (facts) on the institutional preparation. The reflexion emerge from an research experience under teachers knowledge about assessment it takes into account basically the concept of evaluation which comes from public politics education based on laws 115 the 1994, law 30 the 1992, Decreto 1278 the 2002, they give some parameters such as: measurement, exclusion and the homogenitation of teacher’s professional work. In the other way the focus theacher’s evaluation take into account: count result, pay for merit, professional development and evaluation in order to increase this school, according to Niño (2001). He said that it corresponded to the theories of evaluation to dominant the world.
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teacher’s evaluation
professional development
acoent result
formative evaluation

How to Cite

Rodríguez Pulido, J. E., & Orobio Montaño, A. . (2010). Mentoring as a Strategy of the Evaluation of Teaching for the Professional Development. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 56, 99-108.