The Experience of Writing. Francisco de Miranda: Precursor de la Utopía Colombiana
Actualidades Pedagógicas


<p>This paper addresses an issue that remains valid to this day: Latin American integration, particularly in the history and validity of Mirandean principles. Talking about Miranda is considering utopia as an opportunity, it is the Colombian essence in the sense of regional unity. A significant issue arises with the mission to reveal perhaps the greatest utopia in the great continental nation: the integration and unity of our people, a must for all those people that are sensitive to their historical and human condition. In terms of methodology, direct and secondary sources were considered for this approach, as well as evidentiary positions, the analysis of required readings and the selection of the most outstanding ones. The development of the issue required investigation skills and persistence to find relevant elements to describe the most illustrious of all Colombians.</p>
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‘Mirandean Colombia’

How to Cite

Ramírez Angarita, C. ., & Patiño Trujillo, C. A. (2015). The Experience of Writing. Francisco de Miranda: Precursor de la Utopía Colombiana. Actualidades Pedagógicas, 66, 157-175.