No. 56 (2010)
Actualidades Pedagógicas

Artículos de investigación

The Teachers Evaluation for Personal Development
Sandra Carolina Carvajal Sierra, Ana Isabel Castro Colmenares, María del Carmen Morales Ramírez, María Patricia Villamil Jiménez (Author)
123 - 131
Education as a Scientific Activity
Pedro Nel Zapata Castañeda (Author)
173 - 187
Fracture between the Teaching Assessment Practicum and Policy
Carlos Arturo Gómez Camacho, Claudia Patricia Rodríguez Bello, Nancy Argenis Salazar Acosta (Author)
43 - 54
Mentoring as a Strategy of the Evaluation of Teaching for the Professional Development
José Eduardo Rodríguez Pulido, Alexander Orobio Montaño (Author)
99 - 108
Assessment: An Integrative Field of the Pedagogical Process
Carmen Amalia Camacho Sanabria, Myriam Esperanza Monroy González, Andrea Muñoz Barriga (Author)
23 - 42
The Evaluation of Teaching from the Administrative Matter
Claudia Yaneth Aponte Grisales, Albenis Cortés Rincón, Álvaro Fonseca Vivas, Carmen Helena Trujillo Sánchez (Author)
133 - 143
Characteristics of the evaluator in the frame of the evaluation of teaching to achieve the professional and personal development of the educators
Óscar Daniel Duitama Peña, Angélica María Linares Molina, Gloria Alejandra Zúñiga Monroy (Author)
55 - 67