Experimental design: Formative interactions between students and teachers of the Faculty of Design


<p>This work presents some of the results of a research process carried out in the course of Experimental Design, which was taught from February to June 2018. The following bachelor degrees converged in this course: industrial design, fashion and footwear design, graphic design, as well as environmental and space design, which are the same degrees that comprise the Faculty of Design at the Universidad de La Salle Bajío. The objective was to identify the processes, ways, and experiences of the participants, within an educational research, demonstrating and recontextualizing the pedagogical task in the process of learning-teaching of design from the point of view of the actors. Under the methodological premises of action research, it was necessary to develop a research based on non-participatory, longitudinal, and transversal observation. The course of Experimental Design corresponds to a curriculum plan that entered into force in 2017 and whose constitution was initially conceived as interdisciplinary in nature; for this reason, it was highly pertinent to conduct an on-site investigation. 192 students from the second semester of the bachelor degrees in Graphic Design, Environmental and Space Design, Industrial Design, and Fashion and Footwear Design participated in this research. Similarly, there were six teacher participants, who taught the subject matter simultaneously to mixed groups of students distributed in four teams of eight members each</p>
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educational research
didactics of design
reflective practice
learning-teaching processes

How to Cite

Experimental design: Formative interactions between students and teachers of the Faculty of Design. (2019). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 74, 29-48. https://doi.org/10.19052/ap.vol1.iss74.2