Use of Digital Educational Resources and Virtual Learning Environments for Teaching Mathematics in Engineering. Systematization of the Teaching Experience


<p>This article details the systematization of the experience related to the didactic use of digital educational resources in the Special Mathematics course of the Chemical Engineering program at the University of Antioquia, aiming to evidence the advantages of the resources implemented in the processes of teaching-learning under normal conditions (before the pandemic). In this context, it was evidenced that the use of virtual platforms to access class information asynchronously, the use of software to illustrate the course topics in a practical way, and the availability of video tutorials are the three resources best valued by students while helping to achieve the training purposes of the course.</p>
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educational environment
online learning
pedagogical innovation
teaching materials
information technology

How to Cite

Use of Digital Educational Resources and Virtual Learning Environments for Teaching Mathematics in Engineering. Systematization of the Teaching Experience. (2022). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 77.