A Didactic-Constructivist Methodological Proposal to Foster the Learning of Statistical Modeling in College


A new methodological proposal is provided herein as a didactic-constructivist strategy to strengthen the study of statistical modeling in a college course of operations research. A paper based on reflections from different viewpoints on the teacher’s and student’s work is constructed and provided as an empirical approach to those techniques intended to make more viable the student’s learning. This proposal is based on the combination of quantitative resources typical to the statistical teaching, and other qualitative ones typical to the play-aided teaching. This is intended to provide the students with the possibility of combine different educational modalities as way of making learning easier and gaining collective knowledge. In this case, the teacher’s expertise is a determining factor as well as student’s willingness to learn and experiment.
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How to Cite

A Didactic-Constructivist Methodological Proposal to Foster the Learning of Statistical Modeling in College. (2021). Actualidades Pedagógicas, 76, 61-79. https://doi.org/10.19052/ap.vol1.iss76.3